Sponsor an Animal
Did you know?
The natural rate of extinction on Earth is one or two species per century. Scientists estimate we are currently losing up to 100 species per day, and most predict that half of the animal species alive today will become extinct in the next 100 years.
When you sponsor an animal, you help us continue our conservation work here at the Zoo and around the world. And you help us continue sharing these animals’ magnificence with Zoo visitors.
Species Available for Sponsorship
African Elephant
Loxodonta africana
At Risk
Eastern Africa, Middle Africa, Western Africa
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African Lion
Habitat under renovation
Panthera leo
At Risk
Eastern Africa, Middle Africa, Southern Africa, Western Africa
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Sumatran Tiger
Panthera tigris sumatrae
Critically Endangered
Southeastern Asia
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Sumatran Orangutan
Pongo abelii
Critically Endangered
Southeastern Asia
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Bornean Orangutan
Pongo pygmaeus
Critically Endangered
Southeastern Asia
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Western Lowland Gorilla
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Critically Endangered
Western Africa
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Sponsorships of other species are available upon request.
Specially requested species not listed here may require additional processing time.
For a full list and more information on threatened species worldwide, visit the IUCN Red List.
Special benefits and discounts
Current Zoo Members, call 404.624.5662 to receive your discount on your Animal Sponsorship.
Animal Sponsorship guidelines
- All sponsorship animals are available to an unlimited number of sponsors.
- Levels and benefits are subject to change without notice.
- Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, your chosen animal may no longer be available for sponsorship.
- All donations to the Sponsor an Animal program support Zoo Atlanta’s conservation work and are partially tax-deductible.
- Processing may take up to 10 business days. If you need your benefits processed sooner, please call 404.624.5662 or email rarecare@zooatlanta.org.