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Panda Updates – Monday, September 25

In the mornings when we arrive for the day, we turn on our camera monitors to see what the pandas are doing. If they are asleep, we let them sleep and we find other things to do. If they are awake and wanting food, we go on and begin our day. Most mornings if Lun … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, September 25"

Panda Updates – Friday, September 22

If you’ve been following our panda family for a number of years, you may remember that at least one of our singleton cubs was known for destroying enrichment, or at least being the proverbial fly that broke the camel’s back. It seems that Ya Lun is following in her older brother’s footsteps. On Sunday we … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, September 22"

Do you speak tiger?

During our day-to-day routine, animal care staff are constantly monitoring the animals to make sure they are healthy. We watch their behavior, how they move, their appetites, bathroom habits, and how they interact with their environment and conspecifics (other individuals that they share space with). Vocalizations are also a big indicator of an animal’s well-being. … Continue reading "Do you speak tiger?"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, September 20

If you have been following the panda updates the past few weeks, you’ve probably read about our awesome new bubble machine that was gifted to Ya Lun and Xi Lun for their first birthday. So far, Yang Yang has been its biggest fan. While the giant pandas were snoozing, we thought it would be fun … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, September 20"

Celebrate the first-ever World Gorilla Day

Zoo Atlanta joins the global conservation community in celebrating the first-ever World Gorilla Day on Sunday, September 24, 2017. World Gorilla Day creates the opportunity for people all over the world to come together in celebrating gorillas and taking action to protect them in the wild. The inaugural World Gorilla Day also marks the 50th … Continue reading "Celebrate the first-ever World Gorilla Day"

Weathering Irma with our feathered friends

With the recent bad weather we had from Irma, a lot of people have asked us how we prepared and how we kept the animals safe. In the Bird Department, our preparations began several days before the weather was expected to hit. First, we addressed the birds based on how comfortable we felt about them … Continue reading "Weathering Irma with our feathered friends"

Panda Updates – Monday, September 18

It’s been a while since we talked about the girls’ personalities, so I wanted to share a few quirks that I have noticed about each panda. Ya Lun is a crazy and active cub. She’s built like a little tank, and it’s evident in how she plays. Recently I watched her throw herself off a … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, September 18"

Panda Updates – Friday, September 15

Some of you may have seen the adorable photo of Yang Yang playing with bubbles last week. This week, we tried the bubble machine with Lun Lun and the cubs. They were not as excited about it as Yang Yang was. Ya Lun and Lun Lun were busy eating, so that likely explains their lack … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, September 15"

Baby snakes and exciting research

Hello, it’s Ash from the Herpetology Department, and today I am going to tell you a little about our recently born baby sidewinder rattlesnakes here at Zoo Atlanta. In my opinion, baby snakes are truly some of the cutest forms of animals out there, so there is no doubt I enjoy working directly with this … Continue reading "Baby snakes and exciting research"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, September 13

We know everyone was curious about all the animals here during the weather we got with Tropical Storm Irma. We have an established protocol for dealing with any type of inclement weather, from storm winds to an ice storm, so we had a plan in place to safely weather this storm. All of the animals … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, September 13"