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Tuesday, September 20th

Hey Zoo Atlanta fans! I’m Claire, a recent transplant to Georgia and an even more recent employee of this fabulous zoo! I moved to Atlanta from South Florida in May for my fourth elephant internship. I have always loved elephants. I fell in love as a 3-year-old at the Indianapolis Zoo. Any time I got … Continue reading "Tuesday, September 20th"

Thursday, September 15

It takes a lot of supplies to keep an animal department at Zoo Atlanta running. This is especially true for a department as large as Birds and Programs Animals. Keepers need to have a ready supply of tools and materials on hand to accomplish everyday tasks. Now, you might be asking yourself, don’t you have … Continue reading "Thursday, September 15"

Tuesday, September 13

Last year I wrote about being a swing keeper in the Bird Department here at Zoo Atlanta. Since then, I’ve become the primary keeper for the Living Treehouse routine. This means that I spend every day of my work week caring for the birds in The Living Treehouse, the kori bustards and the wreathed hornbills. The … Continue reading "Tuesday, September 13"

Thursday, September 8

My name is Michaela Daniel, and I am a Seasonal Keeper here at Zoo Atlanta. You will find me, much like the amazing animals that I help care for, at Scaly Slimy Spectacular. One of the coolest things about this new building is that we give you a glimpse of varying animal habitats. I love … Continue reading "Thursday, September 8"

Giant pandas born

Giant panda twins born at Zoo Atlanta! Second birth completes a pair of twins for Lun Lun Lun Lun, a 19-year-old giant panda, gave birth to twins on September 3, 2016. Her first cub arrived at 7:20 a.m., followed 47 minutes later by the second of her twins, born at 8:07 a.m. The cubs, the … Continue reading "Giant pandas born"

Thursday, September 1

Loxodonta africana, the African elephant, known for its size and dominance over the African terrain, holds the title as the world’s largest land mammal. The African bull elephant can stand well over 10 feet tall and weigh more than 12,000 pounds. Despite their size, elephants are also quite nimble and can display incredible grace and … Continue reading "Thursday, September 1"

Tuesday, August 30

As summertime is coming to an end, the Bird Department takes down most of the nest boxes that we had set up for spring, during prime breeding season, and we reflect on how our year has gone thus far.  Most of our chicks have grown up, fledged, and are thriving with their families.  But on … Continue reading "Tuesday, August 30"

Thursday, August 25

Babies, babies everywhere! Babies are here and babies are coming. The spring and summer months are always filled with new life in the animal kingdom, and the animals at Zoo Atlanta are no exception. We have new additions to our Zoo Atlanta family popping up everywhere! From flamingo chicks, to snake hatchlings, from expectant pandas … Continue reading "Thursday, August 25"

Tuesday, August 23

Hello Zoo Atlanta fans! My name is Mari Arbir, and I am a new primate keeper here at the Zoo! I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about how I became a zookeeper. Then maybe another day I’ll come back and tell you some fun stories! … Continue reading "Tuesday, August 23"

Tuesday, August 16

Everyone always asks me what I had to do to become a hoofstock keeper at Zoo Atlanta. The answer is a lot! Many people don’t realize what all it takes to become a keeper at an AZA facility, and the literally thousands of hours of free labor I have spent working as an intern and … Continue reading "Tuesday, August 16"