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Panda Update – Thursday, April 6

A quick special update since we know many of you were wondering about yesterday’s weather in stormy Atlanta! It is an important part of our jobs to monitor the weather closely and make any necessary preparations for the animals and staff. When the weather takes a turn for the worse, we do here what you all probably do at home or work. We make sure that everyone is in and out of the rain and hunker down to make sure that everyone is as safe and comfortable as possible. For our giant pandas, sometimes that means bringing them all the way inside to their indoor dens. Their dayrooms are very safe and comfortable, but in cases of potential tornado watches/warnings or strong wind or even hail, we like to bring them inside, away from all of the windows of the dayroom. Pretty much what you would do at home. You’ll be happy to know that none of our giant pandas even batted a furry eye at the storm. Everyone played, rested, and as usual in the case of the adults, chowed down happily on their bamboo.
Jenny E.
Lead Keeper, Carnivores

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