Due to winter weather, Zoo Atlanta will be closed Sun. 1/12. IllumiNights will be open Sun. 1/12.

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Panda Updates – Wednesday, April 19

It seems like it has been ages since I have worked with the youngsters, even though I did get some time to work with them last week. I can’t believe how much they have grown. It seems like it was only yesterday that they were barely learning to walk, and now they are running around and climbing on anything in their sight like most toddlers do at this age.

Today was the first day I got to work with the girls while they were out in the outside habitats. It was a joy to be able to watch them investigate their new surroundings. During our Wild Encounter with Lun Lun and the cubs, Jen W. was interacting with the cubs and guests telling them all about Lun and the cubs and gave Ya Lun one of Lun’s biscuits. Ya Lun loved it! She loved it so much that she ate two of them. It is quite funny to watch. After the Encounter, we decided to put Lun and the cubs in the dayroom. Lun Lun and Ya Lun finally shifted out, but Xi Lun decided that climbing the mesh in D3 was way more entertaining than being out in the dayroom with her mom and sister. Finally after a few minutes of climbing around she went to join mom and sister and to take a much deserved nap on her favorite spot on the structure.
Katie G.
Keeper III, Mammals
(Photo by Chris Philpott)

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