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July Hatchlings Around Zoo Atlanta

July 2017 has brought hatchlings at nests throughout Zoo Atlanta for species native to both Africa and the Americas. A blue crane chick hatched July 8, 2017. The chick was produced via artificial insemination conducted by Zoo Atlanta staff and is the first offspring of the Zoo’s blue crane pair. The new arrival, whose sex … Continue reading "July Hatchlings Around Zoo Atlanta"

A fantastic National Zookeepers Week

Happy belated National Zookeepers Week (NZKW)! July 16-22 was a week spent celebrating zookeepers nationwide. To show their appreciation for all of the hard work that we do, all of the animals stopped pooping for the entire week and cleaned their own habitats for us. …Yeah, right. If anything, they pooped more than usual. But … Continue reading "A fantastic National Zookeepers Week"

Panda Update – Monday, July 24

In less than two months, the cubs will be turning a year old! This means the twins will soon be too big and too strong for us to share the same space with. The decrease in handling cubs also means we will have difficulty putting blue food coloring on Ya Lun to assist in identifying … Continue reading "Panda Update – Monday, July 24"

Panda Update – Friday, July 21

“What’s it like working with the pandas?” We get that question a lot as we walk around the Zoo, or even run errands after work in our Zoo shirts. We always love what we do, and every day is different. Some days are just outright fun. Lun Lun tends to spend most of her energy … Continue reading "Panda Update – Friday, July 21"

Update on Angolan colobus infant

Zoo Atlanta is saddened to share that the Angolan colobus infant born to Lami on July 15, 2017, was found deceased on July 21, 2017. Lami, 12, is an experienced mother, and the Zoo’s Animal Management and Veterinary Teams had observed no signs of any problems following the birth. The infant had been nursing, vocalizing, … Continue reading "Update on Angolan colobus infant"

Summer Brings Baby Animals at the Zoo

A snow-white monkey, a tiny crane and a batch of baby rattlers are just a few of the Zoo’s newest arrivals. Summer 2017 has brought births for Zoo Atlanta primates, birds and reptiles. Animal babies include an Angolan colobus, a blue crane and a group of sidewinder rattlesnakes. Angolan colobus An Angolan colobus infant was … Continue reading "Summer Brings Baby Animals at the Zoo"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 19

As you’ve probably seen on our social media this week, it’s National Zookeepers Week! Zookeepers work long and hard hours caring for animals, educating our guests, working as conservationists, and conducting behavioral research with our many diverse species. It’s a job with lots of hats, and not a lot of thanks from their charges. But … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 19"

Gorilla Enrichment

Here are the Zoo, everything we keepers do is for the animals. We try to make decisions based on their personalities, diet requirements, and behaviors based on their species. I work with gorillas, and a main part of my day involves making sure that our intelligent apes have something to preoccupy their busy minds. We … Continue reading "Gorilla Enrichment"

Panda Updates – Monday, July 17

Now that the girls are consuming more leafeater biscuits and consuming more milk (Mom’s and supplemental), there is quite a bit of panda poo involved! Cubs like to defecate in leafy bamboo to try and disguise and hide any evidence that they’re present, since in the wild, as cubs they are preyed upon by other … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, July 17"

Panda Updates – Friday, July 14

Today was an extra-fun enrichment day here in PandaLand! As the twins get older, they are showing more interest in the enrichment items that their parents both love. Today we dabbed rubbing alcohol on the dayroom structures, and the cubs and Lun Lun had a great time anointing and rolling around in it. At one … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, July 14"