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10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Two of Zoo Atlanta’s popular behind-the-scenes programs have returned. Wild Encounters with African elephants and Aldabra tortoises are now available.

In the African elephant Wild Encounter, visitors have the opportunity to meet and feed an elephant in a program joined by Kelly or Tara, the female members of the herd at Zoo Atlanta. The program also features behind-the-scenes facts about the Zoo’s state-of-the-art Zambezi Elephant Center and information on the threats facing African elephants in the wild and steps all visitors can take to aid in their conservation. The encounter is available on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 1 p.m. Reservations are required and must be made in advance on Zoo Atlanta cannot accommodate encounters on a walk-up basis.

The Aldabra tortoise Wild Encounter offers a chance for an up-close-and-personal interaction and feeding with Shuffles, Corky or Patches, the three Aldabra tortoises at Zoo Atlanta. Among the Zoo’s largest reptiles and the longest-lived members of its animal population – none believed to be younger than around 60, yet still considered middle-aged – the Aldabra tortoises represent one of the world’s largest tortoise species and are found in the wild only on a single group of islands in the Indian Ocean. The encounter is available on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 1:45 p.m. As with the African elephant Wild Encounter, Aldabra tortoise Wild Encounter reservations must be made online in advance.

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