Search Results for: ki
Next Adventure: To China In November
ATLANTA – September 28, 2016 – Mei Lun and Mei Huan, the first pair of surviving giant panda twins ever born in the U.S., will depart Atlanta later this year on their way to one of the most important milestones in the life of an American-born panda: a new chapter at their parents’ birthplace at … Continue reading "Next Adventure: To China In November"
Tuesday, September 27
Fall has finally arrived! With the coming of cold weather, all areas of the Zoo have to make sure that their animals have plenty of ways to keep warm. For the birds of Zoo Atlanta, that means a lot of work has to be done. Keepers have to make sure that the birds are comfortable … Continue reading "Tuesday, September 27"
Terrapins Have A Future In The Wild
ATLANTA – September 22, 2016 – The newest turtles in Scaly Slimy Spectacular: The Amphibian and Reptile Experience didn’t hatch at Zoo Atlanta – they’re part of an important conservation program for a native Georgia icon. The 25 young diamondback terrapins now exploring the waters of the Zoo’s Georgia Tidal Creek are participants in the … Continue reading "Terrapins Have A Future In The Wild"
Thursday, September 22
“That is one handsome lizard!” Words any Herpetology Keeper would enjoy hearing while leisurely passing by a group of Zoo guests standing in awe over a reptile that resembles something from the Age of Dinosaurs. My Name is Trent Niesen, and as a Herpetology Keeper here at Zoo Atlanta, I have the pleasure of working … Continue reading "Thursday, September 22"
Tuesday, September 20th
Hey Zoo Atlanta fans! I’m Claire, a recent transplant to Georgia and an even more recent employee of this fabulous zoo! I moved to Atlanta from South Florida in May for my fourth elephant internship. I have always loved elephants. I fell in love as a 3-year-old at the Indianapolis Zoo. Any time I got … Continue reading "Tuesday, September 20th"
Western Lowland Gorilla Born
ATLANTA – September 19, 2016 – Kudzoo, a 22-year-old western lowland gorilla, gave birth to a female infant during the afternoon of September 18, 2016. The newborn is the third offspring of Kudzoo and 27-year-old silverback Taz and is a granddaughter of Kudzoo’s famous father, the late Willie B. “We’re delighted to welcome a new … Continue reading "Western Lowland Gorilla Born"
Thursday, September 15
It takes a lot of supplies to keep an animal department at Zoo Atlanta running. This is especially true for a department as large as Birds and Programs Animals. Keepers need to have a ready supply of tools and materials on hand to accomplish everyday tasks. Now, you might be asking yourself, don’t you have … Continue reading "Thursday, September 15"
Tuesday, September 13
Last year I wrote about being a swing keeper in the Bird Department here at Zoo Atlanta. Since then, I’ve become the primary keeper for the Living Treehouse routine. This means that I spend every day of my work week caring for the birds in The Living Treehouse, the kori bustards and the wreathed hornbills. The … Continue reading "Tuesday, September 13"
Thursday, September 8
My name is Michaela Daniel, and I am a Seasonal Keeper here at Zoo Atlanta. You will find me, much like the amazing animals that I help care for, at Scaly Slimy Spectacular. One of the coolest things about this new building is that we give you a glimpse of varying animal habitats. I love … Continue reading "Thursday, September 8"
Giant pandas born
Giant panda twins born at Zoo Atlanta! Second birth completes a pair of twins for Lun Lun Lun Lun, a 19-year-old giant panda, gave birth to twins on September 3, 2016. Her first cub arrived at 7:20 a.m., followed 47 minutes later by the second of her twins, born at 8:07 a.m. The cubs, the … Continue reading "Giant pandas born"