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Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 1

Even though the cubs are only just under 6 months old, and weigh around 9 kilograms (give or take, depending on if they’ve gone to the bathroom), they have gotten incredibly strong! We usually have to wake them up after lunch to give them their supplemental formula. This means we have to go and pull … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 1"

Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 28

I think one of my very favorite things about working with animals is the ability to work with individuals throughout all stages of life. Luckily for me, the gorilla area has individuals from 5 months old to 57 years in age, so all life stages are represented! Though each age group is fun to work … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 28"

Panda Updates – Monday, February 27

As Lun Lun and the cubs get more comfortable in the tepee dayroom, you will notice that they will be spending more and more time in there. While the cubs haven’t quite found a good napping spot in that dayroom, they have found some fun new toys. The other morning, as Lun was eating, Ya … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, February 27"

Panda Updates – Friday, February 24

This morning we gave Lun Lun, Ya Lun and Xi Lun access to the other dayroom. Lun Lun walked in immediately and spent several minutes sniffing around. Xi Lun was right behind her and investigated the shift door and drinker. Ya Lun was quick to join Xi Lun. After Lun Lun sniffed every log, she … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, February 24"

Keeper Stories – Thursday, February 23

We in the Herpetology Department have a fun story to share with all of our Zoo Atlanta guests. On February 20, 2017, we welcomed a baby African pancake tortoise into our collection. I will go out on a limb and say that any hatchling reptile or amphibian is absolutely adorable, or maybe that is just … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, February 23"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, February 22

The girls have become more and more comfortable hanging out in the dayroom. The proof is that they have found new places to nap (the top of the structure). Because of this we’re able to keep them in the dayroom for longer periods. You may also notice that at the end of the day Mom … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, February 22"

Sun Bear Tongues and Frog Tongues

The animals at Zoo Atlanta represent so many opportunities for biologists around the world to learn basic information about, well, animals! We get research proposals all the time from researchers, both among our own staff and globally, seeking permission to include the animals in their research. We approve the proposals that are of the greatest … Continue reading "Sun Bear Tongues and Frog Tongues"

Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 21

Hello from Outback Station! The keepers here in Outback work with a number of different species, but my personal favorites are the petting zoo animals. We have 14 goats, four sheep, and two pigs that spend time in the petting zoo. We spend a large portion of our day interacting with guests and telling them … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 21"

Panda Update – Monday, Feb. 20

We gets lots of questions about the relationship between Yang Yang and the twins, but giant pandas are solitary by nature. Ya Lun and Xi Lun (pictured) may see him through the dayroom windows or smell him while inside, but they know to focus on mom Lun Lun. Even Lun Lun doesn’t pay much attention … Continue reading "Panda Update – Monday, Feb. 20"

Volunteer FAQs

Adult Volunteer Program (ages +18) Family Volunteer Program (ages 8-13 with a parent or legal guardian) Group Volunteer Program (typically ages +18). Group Volunteers ages +8 may volunteer at Boo at the Zoo (October). We require one adult chaperone for every four children (ages +8) or 10 teens (ages +16).