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Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 30

Did you know different pandas have different sleep schedules? Yang Yang enjoys sleeping in during the summer months. He has been known to sleep as late as 10 a.m., which is pretty late, considering that at other times of the year, he is usually up and ready for bamboo. Giant pandas nap anywhere between one … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 30"

Back to school is just around the corner! 

Hopefully this summer has been a much deserved, relaxing break! With back to school around the corner, you may be beginning to think about lesson planning and curriculum for the fall semester. Did you know that Zoo Atlanta has a variety of free activities and resources for students and teachers, available on our Learn page? From videos … Continue reading "Back to school is just around the corner! "

Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 23

One of my favorite natural behaviors that giant pandas do is something called “self-anointing.” Pandas are very scent-oriented animals. They mark their territories by scent-marking and are quick to investigate any new or unusual smells. It is unclear exactly why they self-anoint, but it is something they do frequently if they find a smell that … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 23"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 16

Hopefully you aren’t tired of seeing posts about Jackie’s birthday yet, because I have just one more for you! In case you didn’t see all over the Zoo’s social media networks (or in person), we celebrated Jackie’s 4th birthday on June 14. I think we had just as much fun as Jackie did! He got … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 16"

Panda Updates – Monday, June 14

Happy birthday to the one-and-only Jackie the red panda! Today we are celebrating his 4th birthday. The care team filled his habitat with enrichment, birthday boxes, and even an ice cake made by Megan H. His favorite treats were scattered among his enrichment items for him to find. Jackie loves exploring his habitat and is … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, June 14"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 9

Red panda tongues are very cute, but they also serve an important purpose. Red pandas use their tongues to check out odors and scent marks in their environment. They do this by using an enlarged papillae on the bottom tip of their tongue to carry liquid up to their mouth and test it. They are … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 9"

Panda Updates – Monday, June 7

As we recently shared, bamboo shoot season was over for the year last week. It’s never long enough! Sigh. We did have some nice Henon bamboo and Arrow bamboo for them to eat. We also do leafeater biscuit feedings with the pandas to help them transition back to mature bamboo. As we do every year, … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, June 7"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 2

We are officially coming up on the end of bamboo shoot season. Very soon, the pandas will go back to their regular diet of bamboo stalks. Although it appears that they are eating the entire stalk, they are actually eating the softer inner layer of the stalk, called the culm. As the summer approaches, giant … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, June 2"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 29

The pandas were able to try a new scent recently: smoked paprika. As it turns out, they love it! The first time the twins received it, they self-anointed for about five minutes, much longer than a usual scent holds their attention. Today we put smoked paprika inside a culvert in their dayroom, and they had … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 29"

Panda Updates – Monday, July 27

Hello Panda Fans! I know I recently shared an update about Yang and how playful he’s been, but I figured nobody would mind another story about him having fun and being silly. Like I mentioned previously, the Panda Care Team can interact with Yang Yang by doing a training session when he’s behind the scenes, … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, July 27"