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KIDZone Playground

Play, climb, and explore our interactive KIDZone Playground!

Petting Zoo

Make new buddies in Outback Station, featuring friendly goats and sheep!

Wrinkled Hornbill Keeper Talk

Learn about wrinkled hornbills from their animal care professionals. 

Gorilla Trek

Venture into the jungle of Rwanda and observe gorillas in the wild – without ever leaving your seat at the Zoo! Gorilla Trek: A 360° Ride Film is a virtual reality experience presented in partnership with Immotion and The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International.

Wild Encounter: Petting Zoo Painters

Join the Animal Care Team and one of our talented animal artists, meeting either the Zoo’s “VanGoat” or “Baaahlo,” and take home a unique work of art in this unforgettable experience.

Goat Feeding Opportunities

Feed the goats and alpacas for 50 cents (we are only accepting change at this time). 

Zoo Detective

Meet Zoo Atlanta’s Chief Detective and watch as they investigate the most unusual happenings around Zoo Atlanta and bring the unusual animal perpetrators to justice. This theater style show engages our younger audiences and includes live animals. Approximate length 15 minutes.

Southern Ground Hornbill Keeper Talk

A Bird Team member will give an informative chat about southern ground hornbills, including information about their natural history, individual history, and conservation.

Biofact Exploration

Meet an Educator and learn about animals through biofacts. 

Wild Encounter: Lemur

Meet and feed some of the amazing primates that make the island of Madagascar one of Earth’s richest natural ecosystems. Learn what you can do to help one of the most endangered groups of mammals on the planet.