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Eastern indigo snakes reintroduced to the wild

Zoo Atlanta is part of a partnership to restore an iconic species to its native range. A new chapter in the wild began today for 26 eastern indigo snakes reared at Zoo Atlanta in the latest milestone in a conservation partnership to restore a native species to its original range. In a collaboration between Zoo … Continue reading "Eastern indigo snakes reintroduced to the wild"

Meeting the Bachelor Pride

Summer is in full swing, and that means it’s hot here in Atlanta. That means a lot of our carnivores are doing what they do best in the afternoon: sleeping! The lions especially! Lions can spend over 20 hours a day sleeping. That statistic may sound a little crazy until you think about how much … Continue reading "Meeting the Bachelor Pride"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 12

Everything is going great as usual over here in the panda building. The cubs are growing like weeds every day. Ya Lun was 24.05 kilograms yesterday morning, and Xi Lun was right behind her at 21.55 kilograms. There really is not much to report today, so I’d like to take a moment to recognize two … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 12"

From Carnivores to Birds

Hello everyone! This is Brittney from the Birds and Program Animals Department; I am a Seasonal Bird Keeper here at Zoo Atlanta but actually started my journey as a Carnivore/Panda Intern. These are two very different departments which both have taught me a lot! Not only are the animals I work with now of a … Continue reading "From Carnivores to Birds"

Panda Updates – Monday, July 10

The cubs are beginning to become little mini-destroyers. We noticed recently that they have taken to pulling the bark off the logs in the dayrooms. The other day, I happened to look up at the camera as Xi Lun was carrying her “prize” to the top of the structure to play with it away from … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, July 10"

Panda Updates – Friday, July 7

I always look forward to my days in the giant panda area. Of course it’s because I get to be in the company of the bears and the keepers. The air conditioning on these hot Georgia days has nothing to do with it … I know that a few of the keepers have written about … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, July 7"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 5

Those of you who watch our PandaCam may have noticed we have recently started giving Lun Lun and the cubs access to one of the dayrooms overnight. Ya Lun and Xi Lun were nervous about this change the first couple of nights, but quickly realized they enjoy sleeping in the structure overnight as much as … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, July 5"

A Good Egg, Indeed

A wonderfully diverse and cross-disciplinary team published a paper this month in the mega-prestigious journal Science that really struck a chord with me on several levels. The paper is about diversity in shape of bird eggs. Seems simple enough—measure eggs from many species and report the diversity. That is what would have been done in … Continue reading "A Good Egg, Indeed"

Panda Updates – Monday, July 3

Hello panda fans! My name is Erin, and I am a primary keeper on the meat-eating side of the Carnivore Department. I thought I’d take some time to give you an update on all of our amazing cats! How does that sound? 😉 Alright, just kidding, though they really are awesome. You may know that … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, July 3"

Panda Updates – Friday, June 30

The cubs are working hard on their shifting skills. Some days are better than others, but progress is being made. Soon, these girls will be too large and strong to share the same space with, so we want them to be perfect little shifters before that time comes. To aid in this step, we have … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, June 30"