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Harris Hawk

In the case of Harris hawks, birds of a feather don’t only flock together – they hunt and nest together, too. In some regions where they live this species is social, but in most regions, they are observed alone or with just one other hawk. Hawks belong to a group of birds known as raptors, … Continue reading "Harris Hawk"

Lesser hedgehog tenrec

There are 25 species of tenrec which are mostly found on Madagascar, but some are native to mainland Africa. The name lesser hedgehog tenrec is misleading, as tenrecs are not related to hedgehogs. Their closest relatives are moles and shrews. However, like hedgehogs, tenrecs have spines covering much of their bodies. Although the underlying muscular structure is less specialized than a hedgehog’s, tenrecs have well-developed muscles under the skin that allow them to raise and lower their spines.

Patagonian Mara

Although sometimes called Patagonian cavies or Patagonian hares, these unique animals belong in the mammalian Order Rodentia. Their closest living relatives are guinea pigs and the capybara. Native to central and southern Argentina, wild populations are in decline due to habitat loss and hunting.

Yellow-crested Cockatoo

With only between 1,000 and 2,500 yellow-crested cockatoos remaining in the wild, these birds are critically endangered. Like other animals found on Indo-Pacific islands, habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats to their survival.

Radiated Tortoise

Radiated tortoises are only native to the island of Madagascar but have been introduced to two other small islands to the east - Réunion and Mauritius. They are named for the yellow lined patterns on their shells. They are herbivores and much of their diet comes from grazing on grasses, which helps keeps plants trimmed back. The illegal pet trade and poaching are major threats, and conservation efforts are underway to save this critically endangered tortoise.

Slender-tailed Meerkat

Meerkats are well-known to most people who enjoy animals because of their charismatic postures and social activities. They live in highly social groups, foraging together and dividing labor across the group, with one of the most important tasks being the lookout guard who will be vigilant to detect threats and alert the others.

Plains Zebra

Zebras are among the most recognizable of all animals, with their distinctive striped color pattern. They are closely related to our domestic horses.

Southern White Rhinoceros

These easily recognizable creatures are native to middle and southern Africa. They are some of the largest land-dwelling mammals in the world, reaching weights of up to 6,000 pounds. Like other rhino species, white rhinos are heavily poached for their horns. Powdered horn is used in traditional Asian medicine, supposedly curing a range of illnesses from fevers to cancer. Uncontrolled hunting in the colonial era was historically the major factor in the decline of white rhinos; however, hundreds of white rhinos are poached annually. They are particularly vulnerable to hunting due to their unaggressive nature and their occurrence in

Blue-throated Macaw

Blue-throated macaws are often called barba azul in Spanish, meaning “blue beard,” because of the bright blue coloration covering their throats. They play an important role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers. These intelligent and colorful birds are critically endangered and threatened by habitat loss and the illegal pet trade.

Eastern Indigo Snake

Eastern indigo snakes are the largest native non-venomous snake in the United States. Rather than relying on constriction to disable their wide variety of prey items, they simply overpower their prey with their muscular jaws and swallow it whole. Their conservation status is of concern because their preferred habitat, the longleaf pine forest, has been heavily fragmented by agricultural and logging practices.