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Panda Update – Monday, February 6

Whew! We had a big weekend in the panda building! On Saturday, Ya Lun decided to try her hand at some climbing. We’ve been watching the cubs try to climb the structure in the dayroom over the last couple of weeks, and I’m happy to share that she finally made her way up to the hammock on her own! It was a lot of fun to watch her explore the hammock. Next step … the top! It doesn’t look like she’ll have to vie with her sister for the prime sleeping spot yet since Xi Lun hasn’t shown quite as much interest in exploring up. It’s only a matter of time, though!

Sunday was a big day for the entire City of Atlanta, so we thought it would be fun to have our own impromptu pregame celebration in the panda dayrooms. We put out a ton of red balls, and the culvert even made its way into Dayroom 2 for Yang Yang’s enjoyment. After lunch, we treated all the bears to painted bags with goodies like biscuits and produce. Yang Yang’s bags spelled “Rise Up!”, and Atlanta’s favorite papa bear even had his own Super Bowl trophy atop the climbing structure! To our delight, Lun Lun encouraged the playful twins to join her in Dayroom 1 for their Super Bowl party. Ya Lun was too enamored by the drinker and coconut husk bale to participate, but Lun Lun and Xi Lun got in on the action. The Luns’ bags said “Go Falcons!” Xi Lun wasn’t quite sure what her mom was ripping into, so she decided to investigate. When I cleaned the dayrooms later that afternoon, the bags were strewn about, and the goodies were gone. I think the pandas had a great time celebrating the Falcons’ trip to the Super Bowl!
Jen A.
Keeper II, Mammals

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