Search Results for: ki
Milky Eagle Owl
This is one of the larger owls in the world, and they prey on virtually any small to medium-sized animal. They generally hunt at night, and long-term pairs produce usually two eggs per year, often with only one surviving to fledge.
Bornean Orangutan
The word “orangutan” comes from “Orang Hutan,” meaning “Person of the Forest.” They are unique among the great apes in that they do not live in social groups. Adults typically forage on their own, but mothers care for their offspring for years. Orangutans have complex cognitive and spatial skills, meaning that they have good memories and are outstanding problem-solvers. Orangutans are highly endangered as a result of habitat loss and black market trade for infants as pets. There are three species of orangutans: Bornean, Sumatran, Tapanuli (recently discovered, Tapanuliensis). Morphologically, the Tapanuli species has differing skull and teeth structure. ...
Drills are very distinctive primates that are related to baboons. They live in complex social groups led by a single dominant male. Social interactions are mostly focused around grooming, and communication comes in the form of visual displays and vocalizations. Deforestation and unsustainable harvest for the commercialized bushmeat trade are creating an uncertain future for this species.
Golden Lion Tamarin
These small monkeys live only in the unique Atlantic Coastal Forests of Brazil, where they are endangered mostly because of habitat loss. They live in small social groups almost entirely in the trees, rarely coming down to the forest floor.
Sumatran Orangutan
The word “orangutan” comes from “Orang Hutan,” meaning “Person of the Forest.” They are unique among the great apes in that they do not live in social groups. Adults typically forage on their own, but mothers care for their offspring for years. Orangutans have complex cognitive and spatial skills, meaning that they have good memories and are outstanding problem-solvers. Orangutans are highly endangered as a result of habitat loss and black market trade for infants as pets. There are three species of orangutans: Bornean, Sumatran, Tapanuli (recently discovered, Tapanuliensis). Morphologically, the Tapanuli species has differing skull and teeth structure. ...
Diamondback Terrapin
The diamondback terrapin is unique among all turtles, except sea turtles, in that it lives in coastal brackish waters (mixture of fresh and salt water). Their large beak and jaw muscles help them crush hard-bodied prey such as clams or shrimp. Diamondback terrapins were once overharvested for human consumption; today, they are largely at risk because of automobile collisions on roads, boat strikes in the water, and unattended crab traps. Conservation programs have allowed their populations to recover.
Black-and-white-ruffed Lemur
Black-and-white-ruffed lemurs are the largest of the lemurs, all of which are found only on the island of Madagascar. They are herbivores, primarily feeding on leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits. These lemurs typically live in the middle to upper part of the rainforest. Vocalizations and scent-marking are known methods of communication for these social primates.
Friday, November 25
This month I have been getting cross-trained at the World of Wild (WOW) Theater presented by Georgia Natural Gas. My primary job is at Wieland Wildlife Home, where I work with all sorts of species from reptiles, to mammals, to invertebrates, but recently it has been all about the birds. One bird I have been … Continue reading "Friday, November 25"
Tuesday, November 22
Reader, have you heard the news? It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With Thanksgiving just days away and a smattering of winter holidays following soon, I’m led to believe the songs are true. We’ve been kicking off the celebrations a little early with some extra enrichment time in the orangutan building. So while … Continue reading "Tuesday, November 22"
Orangutan Learning Tree
Scientists have long wondered about the true nature of great ape cognition, and a groundbreaking project at Zoo Atlanta provides researchers and guests with an ongoing opportunity to observe the skills of some of the animal kingdom’s most complex problem solvers. Opened in 2007 through partnership with the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience (CBN) and IBM, … Continue reading "Orangutan Learning Tree"