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Keeper Stories – Thursday, January 19

It’s about time again for a giraffe training update! I believe when we last checked in, all but our oldest, Abu, were shifting through our giraffe “tamer” apparatus. We are very proud to announce that all four of our boys are now confidently walking though the chute system. We have been successful in getting them … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, January 19"

Keeper Stories – Tuesday, January 17

Did you survive the snow-pocalypse 2.0? It wasn’t as bad as the first go round, but we still had enough ice that the Zoo was closed. But what actually happens when the Zoo closes down for bad weather like a snowstorm? It is not all that different from a normal day for us keepers. The … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, January 17"

Cases for Conservation

Cases for Conservation are boxes filled with curriculum, biofacts and other unique Zoo-related materials that can be checked out from the Zoo for a two-week period and utilized in your classroom setting, similarly to how one would check out a book from a library. Each Case is correlated with the Georgia Standards of Excellence, as well as … Continue reading "Cases for Conservation"

Supplier Diversity

Our mission is to provide equal access to procurement opportunities for minority and women-owned enterprises (MWBEs). In addition, Zoo Atlanta encourages majority suppliers to support women and minority-owned firms through supplier development assistance, subcontracting opportunities, mentoring and/or the purchase of products from MWBE sources. We are committed to ensuring that our supplier diversity initiative strengthens … Continue reading "Supplier Diversity"


A grandchild of the legendary late Willie B., Anaka was the 22nd gorilla born in The Ford African Rain Forest. She has a unique pink and white pigmentation in her fingers and a very unique personality, often barking at her mom and others to get a prime spot for food and juice. She is often … Continue reading "Anaka"


Born at Zoo Atlanta, but named after a national park in Madagascar. She has a very dark face and her eyes are more orange in color compared to her sister Luna’s eyes, which are more yellow. Female lemurs are more dominant then the males so you can typical see her and her sister more active during breeding season from … Continue reading "Malaky"

Treetop Trail

Treetop Trail presented by Kaiser Permanente The Zoo Atlanta experience will climb to new heights with the opening of an all-new aerial playground  In spring 2017, all wildlife enthusiasts who have ever admired the skills of tree-dwelling animals will have a chance to test their own skills with the opening of an all-new aerial playground: … Continue reading "Treetop Trail"

Keeper Stories – Thursday, January 12

Love is in the air! Yep, even in the winter. Male opossums go through physiological changes during the winter months that we call rut. As hormones surge through their bodies, their minds are focused on one thing, and only one thing. They lose interest in food and spend hours simply wandering around, noses in the … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, January 12"

Guatemalan Beaded Lizard

The Guatemalan beaded lizard lives only in an isolated pocket of desert in eastern Guatemala. Discovered by scientists in the mid-1980s, this distinctive lizard has been well known to local populations in Guatemala for millennia. This species is one of the five closely related species of venomous beaded lizards, including the Gila monster of the southwestern U.S. The venom is used entirely for self-defense and is not used in the capturing of prey.

Reticulated Python

Reticulated pythons, along with the green anaconda, are the largest snakes in the world. The distinction is that these pythons attain a greater length, with valid records of wild individuals over 20 feet in length. Green anacondas, on the other hand, are not as long but achieve a much more massive girth and mass.