Due to unseasonably cold temperatures, Zoo Atlanta will open at Noon on Mon., Jan. 20.

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12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Zoo Atlanta also considers proposals for studies by qualified researchers from other institutions that may include our animals, their records, or biological samples. All submitted proposals are carefully evaluated by Zoo Atlanta’s Scientific Review Committee, with quality of science and, especially, the well-being of our animals being carefully considered.

Student research at Zoo Atlanta

Each year, animals at Zoo Atlanta provide insights for undergraduate students from local colleges and universities. We periodically offer a Research Internship (keep checking the internship page for information), or students can work with professors who have projects at the Zoo (contact professors at your institution for more information). These opportunities allow students to get real-time experience with the challenges of designing and implementing non-invasive biological research. Some of these student research efforts have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals.