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Panda Updates – Monday, January 28
If you have visited Idgie the red panda in the last year, you will have noticed we made several improvements to her habitat. Recently, we have made some additions that may not be so obvious. A little background first … red pandas are equipped to handle very cold temperatures. They have a very dense undercoat … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, January 28"
Panda Updates – Wednesday, January 23
Ya Lun and Xi Lun achieved a pretty big accomplishment last week: they participated in their first voluntary blood draws! At Zoo Atlanta, all of our training is voluntary for the animals, and if at any time they don’t want to participate, they don’t have to. We focus on training behaviors with the animals that … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, January 23"
Panda Updates – Friday, January 18
Many of you who have followed the giant pandas for a long time may remember that Lun Lun has always refused to eat sweet potatoes. Yang Yang and all but one of Lun Lun’s offspring love to eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes were always one food item we knew Lun Lun wouldn’t steal from her … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, January 18"
Panda Updates – Wednesday, January 16
I haven’t worked the giant panda routine for a few weeks, and it has been even longer since I had a chance to train with the cubs on their open-mouth cue. Much to my surprise, Ya Lun opened her mouth right away when asked! For Xi Lun, it took a couple attempts of me asking … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, January 16"
Panda Updates – Monday, January 14
Giant pandas have some of the strongest jaws of all terrestrial carnivores. Their ability to crush through tough bamboo comes from those strong jaw muscles, as well as the location at which the jaw muscles attach. A pandas’ jaw muscles are attached at their sagittal crest. For those of you with dogs at home, this … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, January 14"
Panda Updates – Friday, January 11
Sometimes we take an opportunity to give the twins a chance to hang out in their behind-the-scenes areas as a change from the outdoor habitats or dayrooms. The twins enjoy being outside and in their climate-controlled dayrooms, and spend most of their time in these areas, but it’s also a treat for them to spend … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, January 11"
Panda Updates – Monday, January 7
Did you know that red pandas were actually discovered by scientists before giant pandas? Due to their similar bamboo diets and pseudothumbs, many also believed that red pandas and giant pandas were closely related. Red pandas, however, are the only living members of the family Ailuridae. Their taxonomic classification has been a topic of debate … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, January 7"
Panda Updates – Friday, January 4
It’s hard to believe 2018 is already over. The past year has been exciting for the Panda Team, as we have watched Ya Lun and Xi Lun grow, and Lun Lun and Yang Yang continue to be amazing ambassadors for their species. Idgie the red panda has kept us on our toes, and we’re proud … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, January 4"
Panda Updates – Wednesday, January 2
Yang Yang has a signature move that lets us know he feels playful: he bites his paw and shakes his head with his paw in his mouth. I have also seen Lun Lun and Yang Yang’s second offspring, Xi Lan, do the same behavior when he was playful. The other day, Xi Lun was having … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, January 2"
Growing up with Mijadala
Can’t get enough of baby gorilla Mijadala? Neither can we! As she is nearing her second birthday (September 18), we see her personality and independence developing more every day. While she still sticks close to mom Kudzoo, these days she is much more independent and can be seen wandering off to initiate play with her … Continue reading "Growing up with Mijadala"