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Zoo Seekers

Spark your curiosity and discover the surprising ways humans and animals are connected to the world around us in this all-new program for guests of all ages!

Warthog Keeper Talk

Learn all about warthogs from our animal care team.

Conservation Stations

Find these mobile stations throughout the Zoo to learn about a variety of conservation issues.

Lion Talk

Learn more about our trio of African lions with fun facts on their diet, behaviors and more!

Elephant Care Demonstration

Learn about the specialized care elephants receive at Zoo Atlanta, and the human-animal relationships that make that care possible. Guests can observe the Elephant Care Team demonstrating different husbandry behaviors with the Msholo, Kelly, and Tara. The Elephant Care Demo is weather and animal dependent.

Animal Encounter presented by Georgia Natural Gas

Meet an ambassador animal, and learn about its importance in the ecosystem. presented by  

Komodo Dragon Talk

Learn more about Komodo dragons from some of our animal care professionals. 

Monkey Feeding

Watch an afternoon feeding. 

Sun Bear Feeding

Learn about these impressive carnivores from their animal care professionals. 

Naked Mole Rat Playground

Kids can tunnel the naked mole rat way with an interactive play experience designed to mimic their underground lives.