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Tuesday, December 6

Hello, everyone! My name is Emily, and I have been here at Zoo Atlanta for the past eight months working as a keeper in the Zoo’s Program Animals Department at Wieland Wildlife Home. I am a Jersey native who had never been to Georgia before, and I can say I have loved every minute of … Continue reading "Tuesday, December 6"

Thursday, December 1

Hello everyone, my name is Char, and I have just completed my first month here at Zoo Atlanta in the Herpetology Department. If anyone is wondering what herpetology is – it is the study of reptiles and amphibians. Not only have I just finished up with my first month at the Zoo, but also my … Continue reading "Thursday, December 1"

Featured Animal

 Panamanian Golden Frog Scientific Name: Atelopus zeteki Conservation Status: Critically endangered Where to see them: Scaly Slimy Spectacular Fun Facts: Golden frogs produce toxins in their skin that make them noxious meals for predators. Golden frogs are sexually dimorphic. The females of this species are up to twice the size of an average male. Females … Continue reading "Featured Animal"

Tuesday, November 29

Hello from the Mammal Department! I hope that everyone had a fun and safe holiday last week. Although the Zoo was closed for Thanksgiving Day, many keepers reported to work bright and early at 7 a.m. to take care of the Zoo’s animal residents. Personally, holidays are some of my favorite days to work. While … Continue reading "Tuesday, November 29"

Friday, November 25

This month I have been getting cross-trained at the World of Wild (WOW) Theater presented by Georgia Natural Gas. My primary job is at Wieland Wildlife Home, where I work with all sorts of species from reptiles, to mammals, to invertebrates, but recently it has been all about the birds. One bird I have been … Continue reading "Friday, November 25"

Tuesday, November 22

Reader, have you heard the news? It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With Thanksgiving just days away and a smattering of winter holidays following soon, I’m led to believe the songs are true. We’ve been kicking off the celebrations a little early with some extra enrichment time in the orangutan building. So while … Continue reading "Tuesday, November 22"

Giant Panda Research

Zoo Atlanta’s research program on giant pandas began in March 1997. Research is conducted both here at Zoo Atlanta and in China. The research in China is being conducted on captive animals at the Chengdu Zoo and the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Where: China Learn More  

Orangutan Learning Tree

Scientists have long wondered about the true nature of great ape cognition, and a groundbreaking project at Zoo Atlanta provides researchers and guests with an ongoing opportunity to observe the skills of some of the animal kingdom’s most complex problem solvers. Opened in 2007 through partnership with the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience (CBN) and IBM, … Continue reading "Orangutan Learning Tree"

Thursday, November 17

What does that “Animal off Exhibit” sign really mean? Most guests visiting the Zoo may find disappointment in an empty animal habitat, but many individuals are probably curious as to what that vacancy really means. Here are a couple reasons as to why one might see a sign apologizing for an empty habitat while touring … Continue reading "Thursday, November 17"

Tuesday, November 15

It’s that time of year again! Time for our annual Flamingo Roundup. Every year after breeding season, all the birds are due for their annual checkups. I will spend a majority of this week preparing for it. Behind the scenes, in the habitat’s corral, I set up large metal barriers to make four runs so … Continue reading "Tuesday, November 15"