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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Georgia STEM Day comes to Zoo Atlanta

Join us on Friday, May 4 to explore what makes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) so important to Zoo Atlanta as part of Georgia STEM Day 2018. This statewide collaborative celebration, produced by TAG-Ed, engages STEM-based organizations and schools across the state to highlight the importance and awesomeness of STEM.

On STEM Day, visitors to the Zoo will explore activities highlighting STEM and Zoo careers. Zoo Atlanta exemplifies and promotes excellence in these disciplines, from groundbreaking animal behavior research to cutting-edge technology to habitat design. As part of this one-day celebration, school groups, Zoo Members and guests are encouraged to visit stations throughout the Zoo, each dedicated to an aspect of STEM. Highlights will include collecting data as part of a behavioral research study; exploring wildlife with a microscope; using tracking technology to monitor animal populations and more. Stations will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Now more than ever, STEM disciplines are central to the evolving fields of zoological animal care, wildlife conservation and interpretive design. Zoo Atlanta serves as a year-round resource for real-life applications in the life sciences for thousands of Georgia teachers, students and families. All activities are free with general admission to the Zoo. Visit here to learn more about this event.

What if you can’t make it to Zoo Atlanta on May 4? You can visit here and click on Georgia STEM Day 2018. Here you will find links to other Georgia STEM Day events, as well as tools to help you celebrate it in your own classroom or at home. And remember, you can also visit Zoo Atlanta any day to learn about STEM. From our World of Wild Theater bird presentations to our Conservation Action Carts, there is always something STEM to explore, while having fun, at the Zoo.

Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl