Zoo Atlanta is a certified sensory inclusive destination.
Zoo Atlanta has partnered with KultureCity to improve our ability to assist and accommodate guests with sensory needs. Our objective is to provide an exclusive and seamless experience for all guests. We strive to raise awareness of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with sensory processing disorders by supplying our team members with continuous training and by offering the resources and accommodations below.
Sensory bags
Sensory bags containing special KCVIP badges, fidget tools, noise canceling headphones and other resources are available to borrow (at no cost by presenting an ID) at our Member Services Office located just outside the Zoo Atlanta entrance.
Weighted lap pads
Weighted lap pads are available to borrow by request (at no cost by presenting an ID) at the Zoo train station in KIDZone and at the World of Wild Theater presented by Georgia Natural Gas.
Quiet Areas and Headphone Zones
Look for signage inside the Zoo identifying Quiet Zones and Headphone Zones, and see the Zoo Atlanta map for in-park locations.
Social story
To help you further with your upcoming visit to Zoo Atlanta, download a social story via the KultureCity Sensory Inclusive App.