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Giant Panda Conservation

This is Mei Lan. He was born on September 6, 2006, and was the first cub of Lun Lun and Yang Yang born at Zoo Atlanta.  As part of our giant panda loan agreement with China, in 2010, Mei Lan was sent to Chengdu, where he joined the resident population at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.  Since Mei Lan’s arrival in Chengdu, he has fathered his own cubs at the Research Base! 

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund

Mountain gorilla silverback Pato has been followed since birth by trackers and scientists working for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. He is the son of legendary late silverback Titus and lives in one of the mountain gorilla groups that the Fossey Fund monitors every day in Rwanda’s Volcanoes Mountains. He has an important role in leading his group, helping to keep them safe every day.

Diamondback Terrapins Conservation

Ogden, one of the Georgia Sea Turtle Center’s diamondback terrapin patients who was hit by a car in 2011, was found nesting this year! This is just one example of the amazing work that the Center does and that Zoo Atlanta is proud to support.

Bog Restoration

Mountain bogs are one of the Southern Appalachians’ most critically endangered habitats, home to species found nowhere else, such as threatened bog turtles, state-protected montane purple pitcher plants and federally-threatened swamp pinks. The Zoo Atlanta Horticulture Team assists the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy in mountain bog restoration. Michaux’s Sumac In addition to bog restoration efforts, the Horticulture Team also assists in safeguarding some of Georgia’s rarest plants. The Conservation Action Resource Center’s (ARC) living roof is a safeguarding site for Rhus michauxii, a critically endangered dwarf sumac.

Reptile and Amphibian Research

Focusing on our diverse population of reptiles and amphibians, as well as working in labs and field sites around the world, Zoo Atlanta has a productive history of herpetological research.

Primate Research

Zoo Atlanta has a diverse population of primates, with multiple species from every major primate group (i.e. lemurs, monkeys and apes). We also have extensive collaborative projects with museums, zoos, and field sites worldwide, including the Great Ape Heart Project.

Giant Panda Science

The primary objective of this study is to quantitatively document the giant panda mother-cub relationship.


Reeder Projects – Worldwide The Mabel Dorn Reeder Conservation Endowment Fund This fund allows Zoo Atlanta to support conservation organizations on field projects for wild animals in their native habitats, where our help is needed the most. Our goal is to make a meaningful impact on reversing species decline by leveraging the resources of our donors, staff and animal ambassadors represented in our collection.  Learn more       Donate Now

Amphibian Ark

More than 2,000 species of frogs, salamanders, and their relatives are in real danger of extinction. Conservation breeding programs are the only realistic hope for many species at this time, especially those suffering the effects of rampaging diseases such as chytridiomycosis.