Zoo Atlanta will be closed on Tues., 1/21, due to continued unseasonably cold temperatures and the potential for winter weather.

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Panda Updates – Wednesday, February 22

The girls have become more and more comfortable hanging out in the dayroom. The proof is that they have found new places to nap (the top of the structure). Because of this we’re able to keep them in the dayroom for longer periods. You may also notice that at the end of the day Mom comes out and grabs her cubs for us. That’s because Lun Lun is trained to retrieve her cubs. Each time she tries to bring a cub in, she is rewarded with a treat (usually a piece of produce or a leafeater biscuit from her diet). The twins are still small enough that once she brings one inside, they stay put and she can get the other one. But as they get older they will discover a new game of racing back outside as soon as they get hauled inside by Mom! Lun’s already experienced this with Mei Lun and Mei Huan, so it will be entertaining to see how Lun handles her growing rambunctious cubs this time!
Jen W.
Keeper III, Mammals

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