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$41 Million For ‘A Grand New View’

ATLANTA – May 16, 2016 – More than a month in advance of a crucial June deadline, Zoo Atlanta announces that a gift of $2 million from the Thalia N. Carlos & Chris M. Carlos Foundation has closed the gap in the final lap of the “Grand New View” campaign. The gift, one of the … Continue reading "$41 Million For ‘A Grand New View’"

Thursday, May 12

I’m a recent addition at Zoo Atlanta and have been a Seasonal Keeper with Birds and Program Animals at the World of Wild Theater for the last month. I worked mostly with dogs prior to joining the Zoo, so this has been a bit of an adjustment. Fortunately, I have a background in animal training, … Continue reading "Thursday, May 12"

Tuesday, May 3

Warmer weather and the official arrival of spring means one major thing here in the Bird Department: mating season! But before any of this can happen, mates need to be chosen. Since it is generally the female’s choice, it’s up to the males to strut their stuff and show off how fit they are. Birds … Continue reading "Tuesday, May 3"

Farewell Jabari!

ATLANTA – April 28, 2016 – Jabari, a 2-year-old male eastern black rhinoceros born at Zoo Atlanta, is leaving Atlanta to play an important new role in the preservation of one of the planet’s most endangered mammal species. Jabari’s next chapter begins May 2, 2016, when he will travel to a new home at Lee … Continue reading "Farewell Jabari!"

Aldabra Tortoise Makes Her Spring Walk

WHO: The final sign of spring has sprung at Zoo Atlanta. Patches, a female Aldabra tortoise estimated to be at least 50 years old, made the season’s ceremonial “Aldabra Walk” on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, kicking off the return of the Zoo’s giant tortoises to their warmweather habitat at Scaly Slimy Spectacular: The Amphibian and … Continue reading "Aldabra Tortoise Makes Her Spring Walk"

Panda Mask

Cut out your own panda mask!

Thursday, April 21

In case you missed it, we had a pretty significant event in the Herpetology Department this week. Rinca the Komodo dragon went outside for the first time in his life! At 5 ½ years old, he is finally large enough and heavy enough that we can start introducing him to the outside world. We started … Continue reading "Thursday, April 21"

A Saturday Of Birds And Blooms

WHAT: The weekend forecast calls for an abundance of birds and blooms on Saturday, April 23, with two special spring events at Zoo Atlanta. Zoo Plant Sale: Green thumbs are invited to browse more than 120 species of perennials; trees and shrubs; vines; ornamental grasses; annuals; houseplants; and herbs hand-selected by Zoo Atlanta horticulturists. Members … Continue reading "A Saturday Of Birds And Blooms"

Tuesday, April 19

Flowers are in bloom all across the Zoo, the animals are getting out enjoying the stronger sun, sounds of wildlife fill the air, and temperatures are rising. This could only mean one thing. Spring is here! And with the cold behind us, it is finally time to bring out the last of our birds to … Continue reading "Tuesday, April 19"

Tuesday, April 12

April 29, 2015 was just a normal Wednesday for most people, but for me it was a day I will always remember and one of the best of my zookeeping career. While I was doing the morning check of the sloth building, I noticed that Bonnie was sitting in a slightly different position. Wanting to … Continue reading "Tuesday, April 12"