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Panda Update – Wednesday, Feb. 15

Trying to weigh squirmy cubs is rather difficult.  We offer the cubs supplemental formula three times a day, and weigh the cubs before and after receiving the formula.  When they are sleepy, it’s quite easy to place them in the tub and get an accurate weight. However, later they’re usually quite awake and ready to … Continue reading "Panda Update – Wednesday, Feb. 15"

Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 14

As any regular reader of keeper stories knows, there is no such thing as a typical day as a zookeeper. There are a multitude of projects, big and small, that take up our time when we aren’t with the animals. Some projects are so large that they require all hands on deck, so the Bird … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 14"

Panda Update – Monday, February 13

You might have noticed that Lun and her little munchkins are in the dayroom for longer and longer periods each day. We want the dayroom to be a fun and safe place for the cubs to be. However, up until not too long ago, all they knew were the interior dens. So the cubs naturally … Continue reading "Panda Update – Monday, February 13"

Keeper Stories – Thursday, February 9

Hey y’all! My name is Sara and I am the newest Keeper I in the Herpetology Department here at Zoo Atlanta! Prior to taking this job, I was living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. As a Georgia native, I am very excited to move back to my home state! Obviously, Zoo Atlanta’s location is a perk for … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, February 9"

Panda Update – Wednesday, February 8

My oh my … how much these cubs have grown! It has been about two weeks since I last worked in pandas. Now that the night shift is over, I don’t get to see these girls as much as I used to. It’s crazy how, in such a short amount of time, these girls have … Continue reading "Panda Update – Wednesday, February 8"

Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 7

It’s been a quiet week in the elephant barn. Kelly and Tara are both doing well and seem to enjoy the mild winter. They still choose to spend most of their time outside even though they have access to a heated barn, and we thank them for their decision because it makes cleaning the barn … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 7"

Meet Mijadala

Proceeds raised from her naming will benefit field conservation programs for wild gorillas The infant born to western lowland gorilla Kudzoo on September 18, 2016, has been named Mijadala. The moniker emerged as the winner in a public vote from Tuesday, January 31 through Monday, February 6, and raised more funds for gorilla conservation than … Continue reading "Meet Mijadala"

Panda Update – Monday, February 6

Whew! We had a big weekend in the panda building! On Saturday, Ya Lun decided to try her hand at some climbing. We’ve been watching the cubs try to climb the structure in the dayroom over the last couple of weeks, and I’m happy to share that she finally made her way up to the hammock … Continue reading "Panda Update – Monday, February 6"

Panda Update – Friday, February 3

Happy 5-month birthday to Ya Lun and Xi Lun! The time has really flown by for the whole Panda Care Team. The girls are now about the same weight, 7.550 kilograms (or 16.65 pounds). By now everyone knows that Ya Lun has a shaved patch in her saddle to aid in telling the cubs apart … Continue reading "Panda Update – Friday, February 3"

Thursday, February 2

Over the past nine months, I have been working on kennel training our three 2-year-old American alligators in the Program Animals Department: Hercules, Odysseus and Perseus. Yes, it’s been a long process, but it has also been very educational and fulfilling. I have worked in the zoo field training animals for nearly seven years. It … Continue reading "Thursday, February 2"