Search Results for: ki
Zoo Atlanta also considers proposals for studies by qualified researchers from other institutions that may include our animals, their records, or biological samples. All submitted proposals are carefully evaluated by Zoo Atlanta’s Scientific Review Committee, with quality of science and, especially, the well-being of our animals being carefully considered. Student research at Zoo Atlanta Each year, … Continue reading "Opportunities"
Keeper Stories – December 20, 2016
Hey all! Seasonal Keeper Hayley here from the Herpetology Department and wow, has it been a busy week! Winter hibernation is going well for the indigo snakes and various turtles behind the scenes, so much so that many animals have actually gained weight from not eating! Many of the indigo snakes have actually gained at … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – December 20, 2016"
Take Action
Take action to help wildlife It can feel overwhelming to learn about the myriad issues facing wildlife around the world, but there are lots of different things we can do to make a difference! Whether you’re just dipping your toes into conservation or looking to build upon your current habits, below are some suggested things … Continue reading "Take Action"
Giant Pandas Projects
The giant pandas at Zoo Atlanta are on loan from China. The Zoo pays an annual loan fee for the pandas, and this money is used for giant panda conservation. Zoo Atlanta has contributed over $10 million for conservation of giant pandas in China, making this our largest conservation investment. The majority of these funds are used … Continue reading "Giant Pandas Projects"
Keeper Stories – Thursday, December 15
Ho Ho Ho! Happy Holidays, readers! It’s been a great year here at Zoo Atlanta, especially in the Primate Department. We’ve had so many things happen this year, and I thought I’d share a few great moments. First of all, since my last blog, I’ve been promoted to full-time! Yay! Now you guys get to … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, December 15"
Keeper Stories – Tuesday, December 13
As a pet owner like many of you out there, I have experienced the pain of having to say goodbye to beloved animal members of my family. That kind of heartbreak is never easy. Animal keepers certainly know that their Zoo charges are not pets, and I for one have absolutely no desire to bring … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, December 13"
Chilean Flamingo Banding Project
Since 2007, Zoo Atlanta has supported a flamingo banding project in Bolivia. Bolivia is home to three species of wild flamingos: the Andean flamingo, the Puna flamingo and the Chilean flamingo, which is the species we have here at the Zoo. Most people think of flamingos as being very tropical, but these species are actually … Continue reading "Chilean Flamingo Banding Project"
Quarters for Conservation
Your vote can #changetheworld! How much will you and the Zoo do for wildlife this year? You decide each time you visit Zoo Atlanta! Introducing Quarters for Conservation, our permanent commitment to sending a portion of every Zoo ticket to field conservation programs for species in need. New in 2016: 25 cents from every general … Continue reading "Quarters for Conservation"
Keeper Stories – Thursday, December 8
Have you ever wondered what happens when Zoo Atlanta receives a new animal? Where does that animal go? How do we introduce it to its new friends? Well, you have come to the right place, because the Zoo Atlanta Bird Department is very good at introducing new animals to their habitats. We get most of … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, December 8"
Revealing of twin pandas names!
Giant panda twins’ names to be revealed at 100 Day Celebration on December 12 In one of their biggest milestones yet, the giant panda twins at Zoo Atlanta will receive their names at their 100 Day Naming Celebration on Monday, December 12, 2016. Zoo Atlanta invited fans around the world to vote on one of … Continue reading "Revealing of twin pandas names!"