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Supplier Diversity

Our mission is to provide equal access to procurement opportunities for minority and women-owned enterprises (MWBEs).

In addition, Zoo Atlanta encourages majority suppliers to support women and minority-owned firms through supplier development assistance, subcontracting opportunities, mentoring and/or the purchase of products from MWBE sources. We are committed to ensuring that our supplier diversity initiative strengthens the minority and women-owned businesses that are critical to the future of our business and the community we serve.

What is required to do business with Zoo Atlanta as a diverse supplier?

To be considered for business with Zoo Atlanta as a diverse supplier, the company must 51% owned, managed and controlled by one or more persons from the following groups: 

  • African-American (includes persons whose origins are any of the black racial groups of Africa)
  • Asian-Pacific American (includes persons whose origins are from Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific, or the Northern Marianas)
  • Asian-Indian American (includes persons whose origins are from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh)
  • Hispanic-American (includes persons whose origins are from Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean)
  • Native American (includes American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts or Native Hawaiians)
  • A woman-owned business (a company that is at least 51% owned, managed, and controlled by a woman or women.)

Is certification required to do business with Zoo Atlanta?

Certification is not required.  Each vendor will be required to submit W-9 and vendor status information if selected to provide products or services for Zoo Atlanta.

What criteria is used to select a diverse supplier to do business with Zoo Atlanta?

The criteria we use to select a diverse supplier are the same used to select a majority supplier. Suppliers are selected based on product quality, value-added service, competitive pricing and excellent customer service.

Examples of Products and Services Procured by Zoo Atlanta
Accounting Services Architecture Services
Audio Visual Equipment & Services Construction Services
Engineering Services Fund-raising Services
Gift Shop Inventory Graphic Design Services
Horticulture Services IT Services
Insurance Services Janitorial Services & Supplies
Maintenance Services Marketing Services
Medical Equipment Office Furniture & Supplies
Printing Services Produce & Hay
Public Relations Services Security Services
Telecommunications Services Uniforms

To learn about potential procurement opportunities at Zoo Atlanta please visit the vendor opportunities page.

If you have additional questions about Zoo Atlanta’s Supplier Diversity Program, please contact us at supplierdiversity@zooatlanta.orggmsdc 1

Zoo Atlanta is a proud member of the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.