Zoo Atlanta
Address: 800 Cherokee Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30315
Phone number: 404.624.5600
General Information Phone (404) 624-5600
Guest Services (404) 624-5936/
Admissions (404) 624-5936/
Bamboo Donation Read more for information on Bamboo donations
Community Donations Read more for more information on donation requests
Education (404) 624-5822/
Group Tickets (404) 624-5641/
Group Events/Rentals (404) 624-5650/
Media and Public Relations (404) 624-2812/
Membership (404) 624-5662/
Corporate Relations and Sponsorships
Security/Lost & Found (404) 624-5670
Volunteer (404) 624-5946/
Zoo Atlanta Trading Company (Gift Shop) (404) 624-5665/
HVAC, Roofing, FLooring, Painting and General Contracting
Zoo Atlanta is making improvements to its facilities! Opportunities exist for HVAC, roofing, flooring, painting and general contracting. In order to do business with the Zoo, you must have general liability insurance; worker’s comp, and be bondable.
Please address the inquiries above to