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Keeper Stories – Tuesday, March 14
Hey there, readers! I hope you’re staying warm during this cold week! Today, I thought I’d answer one of the most popular questions I get from you guys: What do you do to help keep the animals from getting bored? This is one of my favorite questions to answer because it allows me to talk … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, March 14"
Keeper Stories – Thursday, March 9
I’m going to veer off animals for just a moment and talk about your second favorite subject, zookeepers! After looking at my own experience and talking to other keepers and interns, I have come to the conclusion that becoming a zookeeper has similar stages as a person deciding what they want to be when they … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, March 9"
Ya Lun and Xi Lun reach new milestone
Ya Lun and Xi Lun the Giant panda twins have reached a new milestone: all-day play in their dayroom habitat. The only giant panda twins in the U.S., Ya Lun and Xi Lun, were 6 months old on March 3, 2017, and the duo has reached a new milestone: all-day play in their dayroom habitat … Continue reading "Ya Lun and Xi Lun reach new milestone"
Venomous or Poisonous?
Okay, it used to be simple for us biology nerds to distinguish “poisonous” organisms from “venomous” organisms. In lectures, I always boil it down the basic distinction of “whom is biting/stinging whom?” In other words, if you put it in your mouth or on your skin, and you get sick, then you have encountered a … Continue reading "Venomous or Poisonous? "
Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 8
The cubs are growing like weeds! I have been on a mini vacation for the last five days and came back to cubs that looked about the same size-wise, but were definitely a little heavier! I’m trying my hardest to enjoy them while they are “pint-sized” and still really goofy in their coordination. Their current … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 8"
Panda Updates – Monday, March 6
Yesterday was my first day working with the pandas in three weeks. I get regular updates from the primary panda keepers about how all of the pandas are doing, but I wasn’t prepared for just how big the girls had grown in that time. Both girls have gained around a kilogram (2.2 pounds) since I … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, March 6"
Keeper Stories – Thursday, March 2
As you’re walking by the bald eagle habitat, you may notice some new faces nearby. In a new space built behind the eagle, you have the chance to see either our beautiful Toco toucan, Lupe, or our charismatic hooded vulture Baobob. Neither of these birds are new to the Zoo, but typically they live behind … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, March 2"
Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 1
Even though the cubs are only just under 6 months old, and weigh around 9 kilograms (give or take, depending on if they’ve gone to the bathroom), they have gotten incredibly strong! We usually have to wake them up after lunch to give them their supplemental formula. This means we have to go and pull … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 1"
Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 28
I think one of my very favorite things about working with animals is the ability to work with individuals throughout all stages of life. Luckily for me, the gorilla area has individuals from 5 months old to 57 years in age, so all life stages are represented! Though each age group is fun to work … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, February 28"
Sun Bear Tongues and Frog Tongues
The animals at Zoo Atlanta represent so many opportunities for biologists around the world to learn basic information about, well, animals! We get research proposals all the time from researchers, both among our own staff and globally, seeking permission to include the animals in their research. We approve the proposals that are of the greatest … Continue reading "Sun Bear Tongues and Frog Tongues"