Zoo Atlanta Going Green

Join Zoo Atlanta’s quest to BE GREEN!

As a conservation organization, Zoo Atlanta recognizes our special obligation to always merge our operations with our mission. Environmental stewardship is the responsibility of all Zoo Atlanta employees.

We do this by:

  • Using our Green Team, made up entirely of Zoo employees, and leading by example to educate Staff, Members and Guests on ways be green and better our environments. 
  • Our commitment to all new large-scale construction projects being LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. 
  • Pollution prevention through our Georgia Commute Options program. 
  • Waste reduction through internal recycling programs. 
  • Assessment of current practice to seek energy saving and reduction opportunities 

Green Team: Zoo Atlanta staff members meet monthly to monitor the Zoo’s environmental efforts and maintain a sustainable workplace. We work with numerous partners to help us accomplish these goals: the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Georgia Community Options, Georgia Department of Natural Resources- Sustainability Division and Southface Energy Institute.

Recycling program

Guests can help by:

  • By utilizing our digital map and skipping the paper map. See zooatlanta.org/map for your next visit!  
  • Recycling bottles and aluminum cans during their visit in our Reverse Vending Machine, located right outside of Nourish Cafe. 
  • Support our community wide recycling initiatives like Holiday Light Recycling which takes place every year during IllumiNights: Chinese Lantern Festival.  
  • Participating in the Gorillas on the Line Cell Phone Recycling Program. Guests can bring their old cell phones to Zoo Atlanta to be added to our collection 


  • The Zoo Atlanta Green Team’s elephant manure and bamboo composting program won 1st place in the 2008 Keep Georgia Beautiful Awards for Waste Reduction and Recycling. By working with Natural Growth, Inc. for composting elephant manure, and Downey Trees for shredding bamboo waste to be burned as fuel by Georgia Power, we’re diverting over 1,800 cubic yards of waste from the landfill every year. 
  • Zoo Atlanta was awarded a Grants to Green Campus Assessment Award in 2015, provided through a partnership between The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Southface Energy Institute and the Kendeda Fund. This award included a campus-wide assessment of the Zoo’s buildings, site and operations to identify and implement energy, water and resource-efficiency upgrades and adopt best management practices for sustainability. 
  • Zoo Atlanta was an Atlanta Better Business Challenge (ABBC) 2015 top performer for reducing our water consumption by 20% in 2015.  

grants to green logo

LEED Certification: 

Savanna Hall

The former Cyclorama was renovated to an event venue and offices, reusing 76% of the structural elements and opened in 2020.

  • LEED Gold Certified
  • The project diverted 68% of on-site generated construction waste from the landfill.
  • Located within a quarter-mile of public transportation stops. Additionally, there are bike racks and e-scooters, and e-bikes available.
  • The project reduced potable water use by 36%.
  • The total predicted energy consumption is 477,470 kWh/year of electricity which is a cost savings of 25%. This is accomplished partly due to automatic lighting.
  • The total predicted natural gas usage is 10,265 therms/ year.
  • Biophilic design for the built environment

Zambezi Elephant Center

  • Opened in 2019
  • LEED Gold Certified
  • Reduced potable water use by 33%.
  • Electricity cost savings of 16% with an estimated energy consumption of 588,151 kWh/year.
  • Total predicted natural gas usage is 1,375 therms/ year.
  • A 2-year purchase agreement to procure 35% of electricity from renewable power.
  • Low emitting VOCs were used in paints, adhesives, flooring, and agrifiber products.
  • Energy and water data information is shared through the Energy Star portfolio.

Scaly Slimy Spectacular, The Amphibian and Reptile Experience

  • Opened in 2015
  • The world’s first reptile and amphibian exhibit to earn LEED Gold certification.
  • Green initiatives incorporated into this building and its construction process included:
    • Rainwater collection, water-efficient landscaping and low-flow plumbing for water use reduction
    • Planting of native plants to prevent erosion and promote local wildlife
    • Roof and lighting choices for lower energy consumption
    • Waste reduction of construction materials

Did you know that construction and demolition wastes make up 40% of the total solid waste in the U.S.? During construction of Scaly Slimy Spectacular, 98% of the total construction waste generated was recycled. The total weight diverted from landfills and recycled equals that of 17 adult male elephants!

3rd party partners

SSA, our food service partner (concessions)

  • Nourish Café is certified by the Green Restaurant Association
  • Food waste is collected and composted behind the scenes. Over 500lbs have been diverted from the landfill since starting with Zoo Atlanta.
  • When available, produce and chicken products are sourced from within 200 miles of the Zoo in partnership with U.S. Foods, supporting the local farming community and cutting down on transportation emissions.
  • In the fall of 2021, Dippin’ Dots cups became eco-friendly and compostable (made of corn)
  • Bowls, plates, knives, forks, and spoons are all plant based (sugar cane) and compostable
  • Zoo Atlanta is one of only 12 SSA partners that have removed straws from food venues. Additionally, we are lid free except for recycled coffee and hot chocolate lids. Coffee cups, lids, and sleeves are all made from post-consumed recyclable materials, as are all paper products and disposables
  • Beer cups are made of corn. All beer comes from reusable kegs with no aluminum or glass waste. Wine and White Claw seltzer are served in aluminum cans with no glass waste.
  • Used cooking oil is handled through a company that recycles it off-site; this company also fills our cooking oil so there is no container or carton waste.
  • Mobile food ordering

GBM, our housekeeping partner …

  • Uses low-decibel, low-emissions leaf blowers (new in 2021).
  • Turns off lights and HVAC when offices are not in use.
  • Uses paper products with Green Seal designations.
  • Uses a green-certified glass cleaner, a green-certified bathroom cleaner, and green-certified microfiber cleaning cloths.
  • These products are environmentally certified by Diversey.
  • Sources most consumable products locally, reducing the carbon footprint of their procurement.

Event Network, our retail partner …

  • Recently earned a distinguished 2021 SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement, and Leadership) Award for business sustainability.
  • Uses recycled materials for all hang tags on clothing items and has eliminated individual poly-bagging.
  • Event Network custom packaging has been redesigned to be plastic-free and 100% recyclable.
  • Actively works with toy vendors to redesign packaging to eliminate use of single-use plastic and Styrofoam.
  • Plush toys are now shipped using a master bag, as opposed to being shipped with each piece in its own individual plastic bag.
  • All bags or bubble wrap packing used in shipments are reused.
  • Water bottles are no longer individually boxed or encased in polybags; an egg crate format is now used to eliminate individual packaging.
  • All cardboard, office paper, ink cartridges, and batteries are recycled.

Proof of the Pudding, our catering and special events partner …

  • Is now engaged in more consistent glass recycling efforts, thanks to the addition of a dumpster at the Savanna Hall loading dock.
  • Has a relationship with Goodr to recycle leftover food at the end of special events.
  • Has increased use of compostable materials for special events where clients have requested disposables.