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What does it mean to join our team?

Hiring, hiring, hiring! I am writing this blog post because that’s what’s on my mind lately! We have a wonderful team here in the Ambassador Animals Department, and I love each and every one of them! But sometimes, people move on to other opportunities as they grow and their needs and desires change. Recently we said goodbye to World of Wild Theater Team member Lyndsay, who moved onto an amazing research position at another facility. So … we had to hire someone new to fill her huge shoes. We also recently hired three new Seasonal Keepers to assist with our busy summer season of animal presentations and increased guest numbers in the petting zoo with the goats and sheep.  

You might be wondering, of the 100-plus applicants I received, how do I select the right person for the job? You might also be wondering how you could become the right person. Well, it’s no easy task. If you think you might want to be an animal care professional, take stock of where you are in your life. Under 15? Think about looking into Family Volunteer Program opportunities at the Poo. In high school? Think about applying for the Volunteen program at the Zoo or helping out at your local animal shelter. Over 18 and in college? Apply for an internship with the Zoo; you could even get college credit. Past college and looking for a career change? Volunteer at the Zoo to start networking and learn what the job really entails.

Notice I said the word “volunteer” a lot? That’s because this competitive career is a lot of fun, so a lot of people want to do it. It’s also a lot of hard work, so before we hire anyone, we want to know they know what the job really means. Volunteer experience tells me that you’re in it for the long haul and it’s something you’re serious about and passionate about.  

Rebecca Young
Associate Curator, Ambassador Animals


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