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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Warm and cozy with Logan the fossa

Hey everyone! Your friendly Carnivore Keeper Adrianna here today to talk to you about our fearsome fossa, Logan! If you haven’t met Logan, he is in our Complex Carnivores section, just between the tiger habitat and the giant panda area. Logan is an 18-year-old male Fossa who loves to sleep on habitat these days in his older years. Since he loves to curl up and take naps on habitat, with some amazing help, we got Logan a nice heat lamp to make sure he stays nice and cozy!

Fossas are small carnivores from Madagascar who are ambush predators. That means that they will hide in trees, bushes or anything that hides them so that they can sneak up on their prey. Logan’s habitat has many options for him to climb up high or hide in the bushes, and he even has a little cave area to elicit what he would naturally do in the forest. All that it was missing was a nice little heat lamp to keep him warmer in the winter while he hides in his habitat. So next time you come by to see Logan, try to find out where he is hiding out, and it just may be in his nice new cozy hay bed!

Adrianna R.
Keeper III, Mammals

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