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Exciting new commitment to elephant conservation
Partnership with Zambia-based Conservation South Luangwa aligns with a new Conservation Strategic Action Plan. In a substantial new commitment to wildlife conservation, Zoo Atlanta announces a new partnership with Conservation South Luangwa to protect African elephants and other species impacted by wildlife trafficking and human-wildlife conflict. The partnership represents a significant step toward a goal … Continue reading "Exciting new commitment to elephant conservation"
Keeping cool with summer fun
Tuesday, July 3 Making sure the animals here at Zoo Atlanta stay cool and hydrated is a major part of an animal care professional’s job in the summer months. We ensure they are healthy and safe, especially with the heat we have been experiencing in Atlanta, Ga. Animal care teams across the Zoo are always … Continue reading "Keeping cool with summer fun"
Saving animals by saying no to straws
Why are we talking about plastic? The creation and use of plastic negatively affects wildlife and their habitats, as well as our health and homes. Plastic is a durable material made to last forever, yet 33 percent of it is used just one time and then discarded. Unfortunately, plastic cannot biodegrade and only breaks down … Continue reading "Saving animals by saying no to straws"
A new accomplishment for Abu
As work on our new savanna habitat continues, we’ve taken advantage of the fact that the savanna animals are always accessible to us in their behind-the-scenes areas. This has meant that we have also been able to increase the amount of training we have been working on with them. The biggest accomplishment so far for … Continue reading "A new accomplishment for Abu"
Welcome Enwe
Enwe will join what is now the only zoological population of drills in the U.S. Zoo Atlanta welcomes a new ambassador for an endangered species back to his birthplace. Enwe, a 15-year-old male drill, arrived in Atlanta from the Detroit Zoo and has recently begun exploring his new habitat in the Zoo’s Monkeys of Makokou … Continue reading "Welcome Enwe"
Welcome Enwe
Enwe will join what is now the only zoological population of drills in the U.S. Zoo Atlanta welcomes a new ambassador for an endangered species back to his birthplace. Enwe, a 15-year-old male drill, arrived in Atlanta from the Detroit Zoo and has recently begun exploring his new habitat in the Zoo’s Monkeys of Makokou … Continue reading "Welcome Enwe"
Growing up with Mijadala
Can’t get enough of baby gorilla Mijadala? Neither can we! As she is nearing her second birthday (September 18), we see her personality and independence developing more every day. While she still sticks close to mom Kudzoo, these days she is much more independent and can be seen wandering off to initiate play with her … Continue reading "Growing up with Mijadala"
Spring has been a season of exciting births
Animal babies include lemur twins, rare beaded lizards, cobra snakelets, cuckoos and an infant colobus. Spring has been an important season for primate births and reptile and bird hatchings at Zoo Atlanta, including two firsts for the Zoo, a new group of members for a species not currently reproducing anywhere else in the U.S., and … Continue reading "Spring has been a season of exciting births"
Spring has been a season of exciting births
Animal babies include lemur twins, rare beaded lizards, cobra snakelets, cuckoos and an infant colobus. Spring has been an important season for primate births and reptile and bird hatchings at Zoo Atlanta, including two firsts for the Zoo, a new group of members for a species not currently reproducing anywhere else in the U.S., and … Continue reading "Spring has been a season of exciting births"
Quarters for Conservation: Drill Ranch
Two in a three-part blog series on the 2018/2019 Quarters for Conservation programs at Zoo Atlanta Drill monkeys, a close relative to the more commonly recognized mandrills, are the largest monkey species in the world. Native to Africa, they are highly elusive and are currently only found in small segmented areas across Nigeria, Cameroon and … Continue reading "Quarters for Conservation: Drill Ranch"