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$7 Million In New Gifts; $4.3 Million To Go

ATLANTA – Feb. 22, 2016 – With just months remaining to a critical June deadline, Zoo Atlanta announces a new $7 million in gifts to the “A Grand New View: Elephants, Events and Expansion” campaign. New gifts include $3 million from an anonymous donor, the third-largest capital campaign gift in Zoo Atlanta history. Four other … Continue reading "$7 Million In New Gifts; $4.3 Million To Go"

Update On Lemur Troop At Zoo Atlanta

The Animal Management and Veterinary Teams at Zoo Atlanta are closely monitoring the Zoo’s lemur troop as a result of the illness of Julius, an 11-year-old male ring-tailed lemur, and the death of Ringo, an 11-yearold male ring-tailed lemur who was euthanized on February 2, 2016. While histopathology results are pending, the Veterinary Team believes … Continue reading "Update On Lemur Troop At Zoo Atlanta"

Andrews W. Evans Elected Chairman

ATLANTA – Jan. 21, 2016 – Andrew “Drew” W. Evans, CEO of the Atlanta-based Fortune 500 Company AGL Resources Inc., has been elected the new Chairman of the Zoo Atlanta Board of Directors. Mr. Evans was elected for a one-year term effective January 1, 2016. “We are very excited to announce Drew Evans as Chair … Continue reading "Andrews W. Evans Elected Chairman"

2015 Proves To Be a Record-Breaker

ATLANTA – Jan. 7, 2015 – A landmark second-highest attendance in recorded history becomes an even more significant figure when that history spans more than 126 years. Zoo Atlanta has again marked its highest attendance since the arrival of the giant pandas in 2000. Despite the year’s distinction as the third wettest on record for … Continue reading "2015 Proves To Be a Record-Breaker"