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9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 25

During this temporary period when the Zoo is closed, between extra projects, cleaning and training, we are still making sure we take this quiet time around the Zoo to have fun and spend as much quality time with the animals as we can. Now that both Ya Lun and Xi Lun are comfortable in our behind-the-scenes habitat, they’re being playful out there with each other and their care team! Shauna now works in the carnivore area of our department, but this week she’s hanging out with me and the pandas. She was a nursery caregiver when the twins were born, so it’s fun to see her interact with them now that they’re subadults. Playing “tag” is something Lun Lun and Yang Yang like to do with their care team when they are in this habitat, and the girls decided to play with us today. It’s also very funny when one of the twins gets momentum running down the hill and can’t slow down before plowing into the other one (looking at you, Ya Lun). Don’t worry though, they bounce right back up to play some more! 
Danica W.
Keeper II, Mammals

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