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Panda Updates- Wednesday, July 13

You may have read in a recent update that Lun Lun is experiencing a pseudopregnancy, which is normal for giant pandas. She is not pregnant. A nearly 25 years old and having successfully raised seven cubs, she is living her best retired life. However, during a pseudopregnancy, pandas act as if they are pregnant and exhibit many of the behaviors that a pregnant bear would demonstrate. One of those behaviors is nest building. Some bear species, like sun bears, build nests to sleep in. Pandas are not one of those species, but they do build up a nest to rest in when they are caring for a cub. To help Lun Lun work through the innate need to nest, we give her various materials that are safe for her to manipulate, chew on, shred, etc. Paper lawn bags, flakes of hay, piles of pine shavings, and pieces of craft paper are all things that she has enjoyed ripping and pushing around to make the comfiest of napping spots.


Megan H.
Keeper II, Mammals

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