Zoo Atlanta will be closed on Tues., 1/21, due to continued unseasonably cold temperatures and the potential for winter weather.

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Panda updates – Wednesday, January 30

Wet, icy, wintry weather recently threatened to strike Atlanta for the first time in 2019! Due to anticipation of inclement weather, Zoo Atlanta was closed yesterday, but this didn’t mean the animals were left to fend for themselves! We have a very dedicated animal care team at the Zoo, and neither rain, sleet, snow, sun, or any other weather-related event will keep us from ensuring that the animals receive top-notch care. We are lucky in that there are several animal care professionals who live very close to the Zoo and are able to walk to work if needed when the road conditions aren’t favorable to driving. During days when the Zoo is closed, the animals still maintain their normal schedules of care and feeding. We have fewer team members who come into work on those days, but enough that we can ensure that all routines can still be completed safely. Yang Yang clearly wasn’t fazed by any of this. We hope everyone stayed safe and warm!
Jen W.
Keeper III, Mammals

(photo by Jen W.)

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