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Panda Updates – Wednesday, August 2

I know we’ve talked a lot about how playful Yang Yang’s been …but his antics have been cracking all of us up for days now! I love summertime-funtime! Lun Lun even seems to have been bitten by the “play bug” because she’s been more playful with the cubs when she’s not devouring bamboo. While I agree with the pandas and don’t care for the Georgia heat, the bears tend to eat less and spend more time sleeping and/or playing. In theory, this allows the keepers a little more time to work on side projects. Unfortunately Yang Yang has been quite demanding with his keeper-time and flat-out refusing to go back into the dayroom where his food is because he seems to want games with us. The biggest update with the twins is that lately they’ve been preferring the brown-colored leafeater biscuits over the red. A few weeks ago it was the exact opposite. They can’t make up their minds! Such divas!
Jen W.
Keeper III, Mammals

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