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Panda Updates – Monday, October 29

As the cubs have grown, it has been fun to watch their personalities develop, as well as some of the physical characteristics they share with Lun Lun, Yang Yang and their other siblings. The markings on a giant panda are fairly unique, but there are definitely some reoccurring themes in the Yang Yang and Lun Lun family tree. We’re still holding out to see if any of the cubs have inherited Yang Yang’s famous “Shrek” ears. A few of the cubs, however, have inherited Lun Lun’s fluffy, round face. Although I never worked with Xi Lan, I hear frequently that he is just as big of a goofball as Yang Yang is. Ya Lun certainly shows similar eating traits to Lun Lun, meaning that she almost always has food on the brain. Xi Lun also shares her eye patch “swooshing” pattern with her older brother, Xi Lan. As the cubs continue through their sub-adult phase, it’ll be interesting to see which other characteristics pop up on their way to being adult pandas.
Danica W.
Keeper I, Mammals

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