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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Monday, October 2

The (slightly) cooler weather for the next few days means the giant pandas are able to spend more time in their outdoor habitats. Like all other animals at the Zoo, the pandas have temperature guidelines that we follow to ensure the animals are happy, comfortable and safe.

You may have noticed on PandaCam or in person that Xi Lun, Ya Lun, and Lun Lun enjoy roughhousing and playing on top of both dayroom structures. This behavior has become more frequent as Ya Lun and Xi Lun have gotten bigger and realized they sometimes have to push their sister out of the way to get comfortable for a nap. The girls are still too small to explore Habitat 2, so for now we are giving them time to get comfortable and adventure around in Habitat 1. They are spending less time following Lun Lun, and more time exploring the dirt, grass, moat area and especially the structure. It looks like Xi Lun and Ya Lun have continued their battle for “Ruler of the Structure” out in Habitat 1. This behavior is a good indicator for us that the girls are becoming increasingly comfortable with their surroundings. Soon, once they start eating bamboo, they’ll find their favorite eating and sleeping spots as well.
Danica W.
Swing Keeper I, Mammals

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