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9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Monday, October 19

Yesterday was a quiet and relaxing day in PandaLand. Danica and I set up one outdoor habitat for Lun Lun, and the other for Xi Lun and Ya Lun. After we were done training with Ya Lun and Xi Lun, we shifted them out to the outdoor space. Xi Lun ate some bamboo, but only briefly, before deciding to curl up and get comfy in the cave. Ya Lun, however, happily ate bamboo and foraged for leafeater biscuits for a while before deciding she was full and ready to join the snooze fest. It seems like Yang Yang and Lun Lun were also on the same page, as Lun went to her favorite spot (the hammock) almost immediately once in the other outdoor habitat. In the dayroom, Yang Yang went to his typical napping spot right up against the glass.  

Amanda D.
Keeper I, Mammals

(photo by Amanda D.)

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