Due to winter weather, Zoo Atlanta will be closed Sun. 1/12. IllumiNights will be open Sun. 1/12.

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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Monday, October 16

We are all excited about the autumn weather finally arriving to Atlanta. Well, almost arriving. It’s not 80 degrees anymore! We have been taking advantage of these cooler mornings by getting the pandas into the outdoor habitats as early as possible. Due to their incredibly thick fur, the bears are not very tolerant of hot temperatures, which is why they have been enjoying the air-conditioned dayrooms all summer. The cubs were originally wary of venturing back outside, but lately they seem to really be enjoying exploring every inch of the habitat. We can’t help but laugh as we watch them vie for position on the climbing structure and try to attack the innocent small tree nearby. I can’t wait to watch them discover the falling leaves of autumn, and dare I say it? Maybe even some snow this winter? This girl from the north can only hope!
Jenny E.
Lead Keeper, Carnivores

(photo by Jenny E.)

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