Panda Updates- Monday, November 6
Hello my name is Nicole, and I am a Seasonal Carnivore Keeper for the Panda Care Team here are Zoo Atlanta. I started off as a Volunteer for the Zoo back in May. I began working with the Panda and Orangutan Care Teams through the volunteering program. One of the best things that I have experienced while being a Seasonal Keeper so far is being able to work with an incredible group of animal care professionals. I have been able to gain a variety of knowledge from each keeper. I’m blessed to be able to be a part of such a devoted group of care team members at Zoo Atlanta. I’ve always wanted to work with animals and make a difference as like many others, Steve Irwin was my role model when I was growing up. One of the most interesting facts that I have learned about pandas so far is that their fur is black and white because of their habitat. Some bamboo forests have a thick canopy and sunlight does not fully reach through. This causes a shadow-like effect on the ground and aids with camouflage for giant pandas. Having black-and-white fur is an advantage to blend into their environment. (Pictured: Yang Yang)
Nicole W.
Seasonal Keeper, Panda Care Team
Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl