Due to unseasonably cold temperatures, Zoo Atlanta will open at Noon on Mon., Jan. 20.

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12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates -Monday, June 1

Giant pandas have super thick fur, so they are not very heat tolerant and don’t usually want to be outside during Georgia summers. On most days by about Noon, it is too warm to have the pandas in the outdoor habitats, so two groups go to the climate-controlled indoor dayrooms, and one group stays in their behind-the-scenes den areas in the building. All of our giant pandas enjoy being behind the scenes every once in a while; in their minds it means an increased chance of seeing the Panda Care Team and therefore an increased chance of getting some leafeater biscuits (don’t tell the pandas, but they get an allotted amount every day regardless of their location in the habitats). I always enjoy having a panda behind the scenes while we are cleaning and doing routine for the day. For the Care Team, it’s great to have another friend around while we are busy getting everything done. The pandas are just the kind of friends who eat snacks the whole time, then sleep on the job. Pine shavings in a barrel is one of my favorite enrichment items to give the pandas while they are behind the scenes with us. I call it the “cub in a tub.” Be sure to check on a video on our social networks later today!

Danica W.
Keeper II, Mammals

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