Due to unseasonably cold temperatures, Zoo Atlanta will open at Noon on Mon., Jan. 20.

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12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Monday, December 16

Yesterday was a great example of how well the primary keepers on the Panda Care Team know the animals they see every day! Lun Lun was in one of the outdoor habitats all morning and started walking around in the afternoon despite having plenty of bamboo and leafeater biscuits. Since as a Swing Keeper I see the pandas only once in a while, I was mystified – what does a panda ever want more than their food? But luckily Danica knew exactly what was going on! When I consulted her, she suggested we offer Lun Lun the choice to go into one of the dayrooms. As soon as we opened the door for her to move freely between the outdoor habitat and the indoor dayroom, Lun Lun walked into the dayroom and struck a comfortable pose against her climbing structure. For the panda who had it all, all she wanted was a little more choice and a favorite resting place. Thankfully she had a panda pro in her corner! I love being a swing and getting to see most of the animals and members of the team in the Mammal Department, but it does mean I don’t get to know each individual animal as well as those who see them every day. The deep knowledge of the primary panda keepers concerning the complex bears they care for still astounds me!
Michelle E.
Swing Keeper III, Mammals

(Photo by Allyson B.)

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