Due to winter weather, Zoo Atlanta will be closed Sun. 1/12. IllumiNights will be open Sun. 1/12.

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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates- Monday, December 11

Hello everyone, this is Christina from the Panda Care Team! As mentioned in previous updates, we are very fortunate here in Atlanta to be able to harvest fresh bamboo for the giant pandas. We recently received a delivery of rivercane bamboo from the Zoo’s specialized Bamboo Team. This is a type of bamboo that we only receive during the winter, as we have discovered that the pandas will only eat it when it is cold outside. Rivercane bamboo is only harvested after a freeze, and with recent cold temperatures we were able to give the pandas this special treat. We have a rivercane bamboo site up in north Georgia where it gets a good bit colder than down here in Atlanta. We always look forward to offering species of bamboo in order to give the pandas a good variety in their diet. We are always grateful to have such a great team of bamboo experts who are dedicated to providing the pandas with the best bamboo possible at the right time. (Pictured: Lun Lun)

Panda Care Team

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