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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Monday, August 28

The pandas and humans alike are happily welcoming the slightly cooler weather in Atlanta. With the temperatures in the 60s in the early mornings, we’ve recently been able to put the pandas outside for a couple of hours. Today was the first day Lun Lun and the cubs have been into the outdoor habitats in a few months (as opposed to chilling in their panda-perfect climate-controlled dayrooms and dens). It’s also their first time walking on the new sod that was laid down! All the greenery was a little weird at first, and the girls are understandably nervous being outside – so many smells and sounds they haven’t experienced in quite a while! It’ll take a few more times going outside before they become just as comfortable being outside as they are inside the dayrooms. Lun Lun of course was happily munching away on bamboo enjoying the cool air after she made her rounds inspecting everything.
Jen W.
Keeper III, Mammals

(photo by Jen W.)

Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl