Due to winter weather, Zoo Atlanta will be closed Sun. 1/12. IllumiNights will be open Sun. 1/12.

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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Monday, August 27

Many people have been asking about Idgie the red panda, so I thought I’d tell you a bit about how she’s doing. If you remember from Heather’s update earlier this summer, Idgie was moved to a behind-the-scenes area where her animal care team could more closely monitor her for some age-related mobility concerns. She has settled into her current home quite well and seems to be enjoying this new space. While Idgie is living behind the scenes, we’re taking the opportunity to try some different perching opportunities with her. In addition, we’re making some modifications to the renovations that were made to her habitat this past spring.

In order for Idgie to move home, we must ensure that she will be happy, healthy and safe. We need to know that she can confidently maneuver through her habitat to access important locations like food, water, shelter and air conditioning/heat. These things are vital to Idgie’s ability to thrive here at the Zoo throughout her golden years. We hope you’ll be able to see Idgie out in her habitat again soon, but until then, rest assured she is living in the lap of luxury behind the scenes. Be sure to check out my recent video of Idgie on Zoo Atlanta Facebook or Instagram this afternoon.

Jen A.
Keeper II, Mammals

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