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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Panda Updates – Friday, November 2

Some people (and animals) like warm temperatures. Other people, like myself (and other animals) like cooler weather. With their dense fur coat, the cooler the weather, the happier giant pandas are! The weather in Atlanta has been blissfully cool this week, and that means we have been able to utilize the outdoor habitats all day, every day. The adult pandas, Yang Yang and Lun Lun, have thoroughly enjoyed being outside. They have spent the whole week chowing down on bamboo followed up by multiple naps throughout the day. Lun Lun is still slowly coming out of her pseudopregnancy, and as we expected, she isn’t as hungry as she usually is, and she still occasionally peels her bananas and eats everything but the peel (something that only happens when her hormones are fluctuating). This is normal and as long as she is maintaining her healthy weight, we’ll continue to let her tell us where she wants to hang out for the day and how much she’s in the mood to eat!
Jen W.
Keeper III, Mammals

(photo by Jen W.)

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